Zanta - nonstop talking, dropping, rocking legend

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About Zanta
Zanta needs no introduction. Visit his website, and be in awe. Also check out Zanta's myspace, and an awesome documentary about him. For 364 days of the year, Zanta rules. The Gents are truly honoured that the legend who shared screentime with them in their first ever TV appearance has now become a PunShine himself. Yes! YesYesYes!

Zanta's faves
why he loves puns: "Puns? Yes! Yes Yes Yes. Brrrrr. Eh! Eh! Eh! Brrrrrrrrrrrreehhh!... Yes! "
"getting bit by rottweilers, people with no sense of humour (like you, Princess!), getting locked out of the downtown core "
"the camera. Yes! Bring on the Toronto Film Festival."
favourite things to do: "shout and flex, do pushups, entertain the city of Toronto "
hopes and dreams: "be the most famous person in the world; and get my daughter back "

send Zanta a message: email

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