Audition for Punshines!

The Pun Gents' DIY guide to online punography: See all PunShine Girls

How to Become a Punshine:

1.Fill out the form below Take your time, be creative - it's your chance to impress us. If you want, send us a photo as well. Email it to Then wait for us to get in touch.

2. Your pun. If you're a qualified applicant we'll contact you to discuss your pun. Have one in mind already? Great, but remember it must be original (Google can sniff out mouldy puns). If you're stumped we can provide you with a fresh and original pun.

3. Your pose. Get a dry-erase whiteboard or other device on which to tell your joke. (A piece of paper could work, but the more whiteboard-like the better. ) Have a friend photograph you with the joke setup and punchline. Be cheeky and/or provocative, but remember it is pun- and not porn-ography we're after! Important: turn off the flash when posing with a whiteboard to prevent glare. Also, do experiment - take many photos in varied poses.

4. Get your pics to us. Email the best setup and punch shots (3-4 of both should do; size at least 800X600, JPG format) to We'll edit them in PhotoShop to bring out your Punshine sheen.

5. If you live in Toronto and can meet the Gents for a shoot, then don't worry about steps 3 and 4 - we'll make an appointment to snap you ourselves.

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