Martha - sassy intern

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About Martha
The pride of Waterloo, Ontario, Martha is pure medical magic. After receiving a Life Science degree from Queen's, this 5'8" dynamo travelled the world, teaching English and also volunteering in medical-relief missions. Martha now attends med school in Halifax. Reflecting on her studies, the 26-year-old says, "It's fun having such a steep learning curve, overwhelming to think of the professional responsiblity, humbling to learn from great teachers, both patients and staff." This genial genie especially loves puns, she says - "because the Pun Gents adore them, and I adore the Pun Gents." All we can say is, oh doctor - our pulses are racing!

Martha's faves
"witty comments, anything to do with ketchup"
turn-offs: "the craze about spelling 'c' words with a 'k' - eg 'kid's korner' and so many more - why get excited about incorrect spelling?"
puns are important because: "They help us through awkward and difficult times."
"Dreams...always involve the ocean, travel, learning, friends and sunrises - as well as a successful neurosurgery career!"

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